Dry Eye Disease

 If you’re dealing with discomfort, redness, or blurred vision, our team, led by Dr. Halpern, is ready to help. Experience personalized solutions for revitalized eyes. Dr. Halpern uses the potency of amniotic membranes alongside prescription medications and complementary therapies for healing in addressing dry eye concerns. Experience tailored solutions, restoring clarity and comfort to your eyes. Trust us for visionary care that goes beyond expectations. Call us or click to make an appointment today. Rediscover comfort, clarity, and the joy of revitalized eyesight with Dr. Halpern’s expert dry eye care. Your journey to relief is just a call or click away.

Primary Services


Eye Exams






Prescription Medications

Prescription medications help manage dry eye symptoms by reducing inflammation and promoting tear production. These medications address the underlying causes, providing long-term relief for chronic dry eye sufferers.

Artificial Tears and Lubricating Eye Drops

Lubricating Eye Drops

Lubricating eye drops, or artificial tears, provide relief by supplementing the eye’s natural moisture. They provide temporary relief from the dryness, irritation, and discomfort associated with dry eye disease, promoting comfort and maintaining ocular health.


Punctal Plugs Amnoitic Membranes

Punctal plugs enhance tear retention by slowing drainage, offering prolonged relief for persistent dry eye.

Amniotic membranes, derived from the placenta’s inner layer, hold unique healing properties, utilized in diverse medical applications for regenerative and therapeutic treatments.

Get Started

Schedule Your Consultation Today. 

Discover the ideal treatment for your unique needs by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Halpern. His expertise ensures personalized care tailored to your eye health. Book your consultation to explore the best options for revitalizing your eyes and regaining comfort. Trust Dr. Halpern for optimal dry eye relief.

Call US

(610) 275-0660


544 Haws Ave Norristown, PA 19401

Sunday – Monday

By Appointment

Emergency Care
